What are the conditions for ordering HSE cards?
To obtain HSE cards the employer and employee must meet certain conditions. The requirements are meant to ensure safe work environments.
To obtain HSE cards the employer and employee must meet certain conditions. The requirements are meant to ensure safe work environments.
Foreign workers in cleaning companies or at building and construction sites must carry a HSE card. These are the requirements for ordering cards.
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority requires employees at building and construction sites and in cleaning companies to carry HSE cards at work. Jobbkort delivers HSE cards within two weeks.
All employees working at building and construction sites or performing cleaning services are required to carry HSE cards. The cards are valid for two years, and must then be renewed.
IDEMIA is the only government-approved supplier of HSE cards, and provides the cards that you order from Jobbkort.
Employees working in cleaning companies or at building and construction sites must carry HSE cards.