Order HSE cards for cleaning services
Send an email to [email protected] or fill in this form to order.
Please send us the following:
- Passport photo
- A scan/photo of your passport or Norwegian driver’s license
- The company’s organization number
- Postal address for delivery of the HSE card
Passport photo
- No older than three years
- Frontal view against a light background
- In focus
- Can be in color or black and white
- Well-lit, without casting any shadows
- Tinted glasses, hats or other headgear is not allowed
Copy of ID
- Passport
- Norwegian driver’s license
Foreign citizens must include their personal ID number/D-number with the scan.
The company’s organization number
Postal address
- Company address
- Postcode
- City
Registration in the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees
Important: Please ensure the employee is registered in the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees. We cannot proceed with the order unless the employee is registered.
How to send the documentation
You have three options when ordering the card:
You can fill in this form to order to order online.
You can email the above material to us at [email protected]. Please enter in the company’s organization number in the subject field. You need to send one email per employee. Remember to include the postal address for us to send you the finished card(s).
You can also send the information by postal mail to:
Jobbkort AS
Orkdalsveien 30
Please use one A4 sheet per person, and glue or tape the photos to the sheet.
Any information that is missing or incomplete must be supplied to us in full within 30 days after you have placed your order.
The cost is 619 NOK per card (+ 25% VAT if shipped to a Norwegian address). By placing an order you accept our terms and conditions.
If you have any questions in regards to the ordering process please contact us.